Tuesday, October 22, 2013

research assignment

 When was the last time you were assigned a research project? In what subject was it? What did you do? How did you feel about it? What did you think about it? Was it hard? Easy? Interesting? Boring? A burden? A joy? What was your project about? Did your teacher give you a choice of topics or was a topic assigned to you? If you answer these questions, you will get full credit for the past week's blog posts. If you've already written on your blogs, great! You'll only have to write on your blog once next week as I want everyone to answer these questions. You don't have to answer every single question, just get to the gist of what I am asking. I am not grading your writing. I just want you to write.

The last time I was assigned a research project was last year in my english class. We were studying gender roles and I had to do a great deal of research on the roles of women throughout history and how they were discriminated against because of their gender. I loved the research project although it was a lot of work it was great to learn about women and their gender roles and make an argument on how women deserve to be treated equally. The teacher did give the class a choice between gender roles, The 1920's, and also about Prohibition, however gender roles seemed most intriguing to me because I am a proud young woman and I believe we should  be treated equally. 

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