Last week I had you write about what you are thirsting to learn and why. This week I want you to write about what puzzles you (confuses you) about the world, school, life, this class, etc., and why. It DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ABOUT THIS CLASS, although it can be. Write a 3-paragraph descriptive essay on your blog about what puzzles you and why that thing or idea or person or place or whatever puzzles you and what you think you could say, do, or think about to make it less confusing for yourself.
There are a lot of things that puzzle me in this world, theres so much in the media, in art, history, and in the world that confuses me. Like how in the city when you look up why do the building look like they'll fall on you, or why does a smaller bag of goldfish taste so much better than the big bag. There is so many questions to ask, so much to learn; however, if I could find out the truth about something that puzzles me, the one things I always wonder about is history and the truth of everything thats happened, not the textbook version and not the stories they teach us in the classroom, but what really happened. In my mind this world is filled with corruption and false truths leading us to believe that the white supremacy is what this world is about however that is false. It puzzles me how Adolf Hitler received the Nobel Piece Prize over a Nazi woman who save over a thousand children by hiding them in her home. It puzzles me how we praise Christopher Columbus for "finding the new world" yet he brought diseases, raped the women, and destroyed what the Indians had discovered first. It puzzles me that we live in a world filled with illusions around us; artists get arrested for drawing on public property saying as though art is a crime; or how this is no longer a racist world yet a young man cant buy an expensive belt without being stopped and frisked. The world puzzles, why? Because the world is a full of lies and misconceptions. I would love for the textbooks and television shows to stop spreading half the story of history but give the real truth about what happened and how it happened and I guarantee people will realize how UNFREE this world is.
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